Councillors have been told this evening that the Lovebox/Citadel Festivals will return to Gunnersbury Park in 2019.
This will be disappointing news to many residents who were significantly affected by the festivals this year. The three of us – Cllr Ranjit Gill, Cllr Ron Mushiso and Cllr Joanna Biddolph – will be working hard to make sure that the failures and excesses of this year’s festivals are not repeated and that the Gunnersbury Park Community Interest Company (CIC), the event management company and Mama Festivals take account of local residents’ and businesses’ views, as detailed in the 14 page feedback document Joanna produced after this year’s festivals.
Details for 2019 were outlined to councillors by the event management company, rather than the CIC, as follows:
Content, footprint, format, and infrastructure will remain largely the same as the 2018 event, however, changes will be made to several key aspects taking into consideration the feedback from residents, statutory authorities and other stakeholders following the 2018 event. Amongst other things, this will include managing the pedestrian access and egress routes to additional transportation hubs and improved parking and traffic management. Details of the other key changes are to follow.
- Producer: Mama Festivals
- Event build: 1st to 11th July (subject to minor changes)
- Lovebox: Friday, 12th and Saturday, 13th July
- Citadel: Sunday, 14th July
- Times: Opening time to be confirmed. Final performance will end no later than 22.30 daily.
- De-rig: 15th to 19th July 2019 (subject to minor changes)
- Attendance: 40,000 daily
- Ticket price: To be confirmed
- Announcement: The CIC and Mama Festivals will publish a joint press release announcing this decision.
- Resident meetings: An enhanced programme of resident and stakeholder meetings will take place during the planning process for the event. A schedule for these meetings, and information on how this will be communicated, is currently being drafted and will be circulated to you all for comment as soon as possible.
- Comments or questions: [email protected]